Peer - Review My Manuscript
Pre-submission peer-review ensures that your research is critically appraised by other researchers in your field before you embark on the submission process.
- Obtain suggestions and recommendations for improvement pre-submission, or before a re-submission following rejection.
- Eliminate many common reasons for rejection and increase your chances of receiving a positive decision from the first journal you submit your paper to.
- As journals start to welcome external pre-submission peer-review comments, you can ease the burden on the editorial office of your target journal if you choose to send the peer-reviewer’s comments as part of your submission.
The Research Medics experts will screen your research manuscript for:
- A clearly defined and answered research question
- The correct study design, appropriate statistical test(s), and an appropriate sample size
- An adequate description of methods, study participants (inclusion/exclusion criteria), and appropriate research ethics information
- Correctly interpreted results and consistent/accurate data
- Relevant and up-to-date references
- Conclusions that are supported and justified by data
- Compliance with appropriate reporting guidelines (CONSORT, STARD, PRIMSA, STOBE etc.)
- A comprehensive literature review
Addressing Journal
Reviewer's Comments
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