Advanced Authorship Metrics for Biomedical Research
Three alternative ways to assign credit for bioscience authors working in collaboratives. By Drea Burbank MD, consultant specializing in disruptive medical technology Science is changing. Trends such as authorship reform

Top 10 tips to increase the readership of your research article
Publishing in an open access journal is one of the best strategies an author can employ to increase the readership of an article, and there

The Chocolate Question: Lies, damned lies, and statistics
I read with interest reports of a recent ‘study’ by a scientist and journalist who managed to get a flawed piece of research published in

Robust, novel, innovating, unprecedented – words to avoid to publish in high impact factor medical journals
Study finds that the words robust, novel, innovating, and unprecedented have a 15000% relative increase in frequency over the last 40 years. A recent study1
Avoiding submission to a fake journal
An article recently published in Science Magazine adds another aspect to the list of factors to be considered when selecting the target journal for your
Online Journal Selection Tools
Choosing the right journal for your research manuscript is a crucial step in the publication process. There are many factors to consider such as scope
How important is your abstract?
Except for the title, the abstract is the most widely read part of your manuscript, and therefore must be both effective and attractive. Your abstract
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