Advanced Authorship Metrics for Biomedical Research
Three alternative ways to assign credit for bioscience authors working in collaboratives. By Drea Burbank MD, consultant specializing in disruptive medical technology Science is changing. Trends such as authorship reform

Navigating the journal submission process – are you really prepared!
Who remembers the days of mailing your valuable manuscript to a journal’s editorial office, or even faxing through your 20+-page document? Simpler times, maybe. Nowadays,

Lifestyle changes and health. One size does not fit all
Continuing the theme of lifestyle influences on health and misinformation, I saw a patient in clinic last week who had taken the advice to join

Why perform a meta-analysis?
A meta-analysis is a powerful statistical procedure for combining and comparing data from multiple studies that have all tested a particular hypothesis with the objective
New tool helps authors find the right reporting guideline for their manuscript
Reporting guidelines help and guide authors in the preparation and accurate reporting of research studies, e.g., CONSORT for randomized trials, STROBE for observational studies, PRISMA
Selecting reviewers for your submitted manuscript
Many peer-review journals now request reviewer recommendations during the submission process. Selecting suitable reviewer(s) is critical to facilitating and surviving the peer-review process. The recommended
Lies, damned lies, and statistics revisited
I posted previously on reporting of scientific studies by the popular press. Diet related topics seem to be particularly prone to problems, I guess because
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