Advanced Authorship Metrics for Biomedical Research
Three alternative ways to assign credit for bioscience authors working in collaboratives. By Drea Burbank MD, consultant specializing in disruptive medical technology Science is changing. Trends such as authorship reform

Top Ten Reasons Papers Get Rejected
When a manuscript is submitted to a journal, it enters an intensive revision process. It has to pass through several checkpoints on the road to

Beyond the Impact Factor – The Rising Popularity of Altmetrics
The journal impact factor (IF) is the most ubiquitous metric used to evaluate research nowadays. It is a measure of the average number of citations

Six aspects to consider when choosing a bibliographic reference manager.
Fiddling with citations and organizing an ever-growing number of files can be a source of great distress for researchers. But it doesn’t have to be
Should I Publish Open-Access? Things to Consider
The traditional publishing industry underwent a paradigm shift over the last decade, an expected outcome of the internet accessibility worldwide. With the steady increase in
Why Publish in English?
In the early twentieth century, scientific publications in French, German and English were held in the same regard internationally. After World War II, the United
Medical data cleansing and checking: Save time by planning ahead
I’ve spent quite a bit of time recently analysing clinical datasets for a couple of projects. This has reminded me of the mistakes I have
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