Journal-Specific Formatting
Layout, citation, and reference formatting in compliance with journal specific submission guidelines
To ensure publication success, journal specific instructions and technical guidelines must be carefully followed before your manuscript is ready for submission.
The Research Medics team will review the requirements of your target journal, and ensure that your manuscript strictly adheres to these. Failure to follow instructions may cause unnecessary and disappointing delays in the submission process.
Our journal-specific formatting services will ensure:
- Manuscript compliance with journal specific guidelines and requirements
- Inclusion of all the required information on the title page
- Inclusion of all necessary components (e.g. following the IMRAD format)
- Adherence to specific word count restrictions (title, running title, keywords, abstract, main text)
- Adherence to abstract layout and content instructions
- Correct page layout and formatting of text, headings, and subheadings
- Uniform use of standard and non-standard abbreviations, and symbols
- Adherence to any table, image, or reference number limits
- Correct formatting of tables and table titles
- Correct placement, format, and annotation of figures and figure legends
- Utilization of correct citation style (Harvard, Vancouver, etc)
- Verification of accuracy and format of references
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cover letters
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Reviewer's Comments
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